
Holy Communion: in the United Methodist tradition, all who seek to draw near to God are welcome to the Lord’s Table.  Our founder, John Wesley, believed that Holy Communion is a means of grace, that is, one of the gifts God uses to invite us to faith in Christ. Because this meal is an invitation to faith, all are welcome, including children.

Baptism: This sacrament is intended for those who profess faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and for their children.  Baptism is a sign of God’s claim on our lives, before we are aware of that claim. Baptism is a sign that we are a part of God’s family, though we may not know what that means at the time. Baptism is our entry into the Body of Christ, with the understanding that as we are nurtured and mature in the faith, we will grow to be more like Christ, and become his servants in the world.

For parents seeking baptism for their children, active church participation and a session with the pastor are needed.