Our Staff

The Rev. Anthony N. Cutting,
Doctor of philosophy

I was born in Barbados and raised in Trinidad where my pastoral ministry began. I came to the United States to pursue higher education. Before coming to the Mid Michigan area, I served congregations in the City of Detroit. My previous pastoral appointment was Bay City First United Methodist Church where I served for 18 years. Sanford is my fourth cross racial appointment.

Many years of pastoral ministry and graduate education at Ashland University Theological Seminary, Oxford Graduate School, and The University of Michigan have prepared me for the task of pastoral leadership. In addition, they have equipped me “to correctly handle the word of truth” ( 2 Timothy 2:15). My aim as a preacher and teacher in the church is to help believers gain a better understanding of what the Scriptures said so long ago and what they continue to say today.

Beyond pastor ministry in the local congregation, I have served as a hospital chaplain and taught (at the graduate level), biblical studies, homiletics, biblical Hebrew, and research design and methodology. It is out of these and many other experiences, that I serve the church as pastor-teacher. I seek to use my God-given gifts in ways that would build up the body of Christ (Ephesians 4: 11-13).

By God’s grace, I offer a ministry that is grounded in a biblical view of faith and life, one that stands in the best tradition of our historic Christian faith, and one that is faithful to the faith that was once delivered. Jesus Christ is not only our savior; he is our only savior. In this community of faith we honor Christ as saving Lord and strive to live up to the demands of the Great Commission ( Matthew 28:18-20).

Ruth Ann

I have been a member of Sanford UMC since 2000, and shortly after joining I was offered the position of administrative assistant. At the time I was thinking that it would be an interesting job, and it has turned out to be so. I enjoy the challenges that come with this position, and the ability to be of service to my church family. My responsibilities include preparation of printed materials, recording donations to the church, scheduling volunteers, and supporting the pastor and congregational leaders in their work.

During my time here I have been involved with several committees, including Outreach, Education, Vacation Bible School and Worship. I appreciate the opportunity to learn, improve my skills, and work alongside others.

I share a home with Bruce, and we care for a cat named Pretty Boy and two dogs, Micky and McGoo.