In the Community

Food Pantry
Our food pantry is part of the Midland County Emergency Food Pantry Network.  Means of service include stocking shelves, gathering items that have been donated and preparing grocery baskets on Thursday morning.  The food pantry was started by our adult Sunday school class in the early 80’s and has been in continuous service since.  Other area churches and charities contribute food or money to help us.  Ours is the only food pantry serving Sanford and many families are touched each year by this service during their time of emergency need.

Open Door
The Open Door Ministry on Buttles street in Midland provides emergency shelter for up to 30 days. A soup kitchen serves hot meals Monday through Saturday free of charge to anyone who comes in. There is also a Monday night Bible study.  Sanford UMC has a team of volunteers who prepare lunch once a week.  We also donate an evening meal for Monday Bible study 12 times per year.  If you are looking for a hands-on ministry opportunity and want to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the poor, then the Open Door Ministry might be what you are looking for.

Backpack Buddies
Backpack Buddies provides a backpack full of nutritional food for elementary school children who receive free or reduced price school lunches. The students receive their backpacks filled with food items on Friday at school.  They return their empty backpacks on Monday.  The food is provided through a program with the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan. Volunteers from our church meet at Meridian Elementary school on Friday mornings during the school year to fill and distribute the backpacks. Come and join us as we serve these young children in need.

US 10 Trash Collecting
This new ministry opportunity is just getting under way. Our plans are to enroll with the Michigan Department of Transportation to adopt a section of highway near the church for litter pickup.  The work involves collecting and bagging trash along both sides of the highway in our designated area three times per year on the dates recommended. The bags are then removed by a pickup service supervised by the state.

Your Area
What area of service is God leading you toward?  Is it one not listed or that we have not yet thought of?  Please let us know so we can discuss ways our congregation can help you follow your leading.